By jeffrey demure, aia
Hello Friends,
As a business owner, entrepreneur, and leader in my industry, I knew there had to be a better way to get things done. After years of frustration and paying what I call “the Dumb Tax,” I began to develop a process to create fluidity, clarity, and simplicity in my organization.
If you have felt you needed to make a shift but haven’t been able to put your finger on it, I am here to help. I want to share my system and the simple, easy-to-implement foundation for core-level change I have made.
When you sign up for our occasional email, you will receive a copy of a few starter chapters and a sample of our transformational workbook. We want to serve you as you fulfill the dream of entrepreneurial freedom you have been after.
Stay tuned to your emails, as web training, coaching groups, and the full-scale workbook will launch soon.
I am grateful for your partnership. Please let my team and me know how to help support you as you strive for entrepreneurial freedom.
Death to the Org Chart is more than a book. It’s a movement.
This is a call for businesses to transform themselves from the old-school thinking that keeps their growth sharply limited.
It’s a way of getting unstuck.
Death to the Org Chart is an opportunity for businesses to reimagine themselves—the way they organize themselves, the way they look at their various component parts, and the way they serve.
Empowering Author
Jeffrey DeMure, AIA
Welcome to the Death to the Org Chart Podcast with Jeffrey DeMure. Jeff is your guide to Entrepreneurial freedom. With over 35 years of experience as an entrepreneur and creative instigator, Jeff sees the world through a different lens. Get inspired and motivated to take your business higher and make your dreams a reality.
You can find DTTOC on your favorite Podcast App.
This new book, by my good friend, Jeff DeMure, provides a clear roadmap to creating and managing today’s entrepreneurial companies. As a very strategic and thoughtful entrepreneur, Jeff outlines how to easily transform your business into an entrepreneurial, self-managing powerhouse. He does this through relying on the most powerful ingredient of today’s entrepreneurial businesses: Collaboration.
Thank you, Jeff, for putting together this excellent guide. I have already begun applying its principles to my businesses.
The Q3 Quad Mod System

The Q3 Quad Mod is an absolute gamechanger. For entrepreneurs and organizations that need to remove the silos of the Org Chart, this model will transform your business. Remove the barriers of silos, poor accountability, low collaboration, and hidden innovation.
Jeff DeMure has this amazing ability to bring insightful ideas to people, ideas that are practical and workable and not merely ideas for the sake of opinion. I have personally been impacted by such concepts that have been life-changing for me and my clients. I’m often mesmerized by his ideas that first catch your imagination and then impact your life.
Coming Soon!
Available 2022
Knowing how to improve your business is gold. When you start helping others achieve their dreams, it’s amazing. Let’s work together to help others and become a coaching expert with DTTOC.
Jeffrey DeMure has written the book we need for today’s business reality. Is Death to the Org Chart a revamped model for leadership? Management? Strategy? Engagement? Productivity? Organizational design? All of the above. It is smart, insightful, elegant, organic, human. Just like its author.